The Secret of Cooking by Bee Wilson

The Secret of Cooking by Bee Wilson

Author:Bee Wilson
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers

Therapeutic baking

Another obvious way to take your mind off things in the kitchen is through baking. When I am so sad that even cooking doesn’t lift my mood, sometimes the answer is making bread. It reminds me that at least something can still rise and turn golden. In their cookbook Breadsong, father and daughter Al and Kitty Tait write about how bread making was the one thing which finally helped Kitty to get better after suffering from a depression so bad that she stopped going to school when she was fourteen. Kitty writes that the first time she watched Al make a loaf, it felt like alchemy. ‘Something so dull had transformed into something so brilliant.’

Many people turned to sourdough making as something to hold on to during the strange, sad uncertain spring of 2020. There is something about the process of nurturing a starter and seeing it gain in strength which can feel hopeful. I never quite managed it myself that year. My attention span was shot to pieces and therefore my baking therapies of choice tended to be quicker, such as this soda bread which offers the tactile satisfaction of bread-making but is also fast.


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